Communiqué JLMD

Communiqué JLMD

Ship secured with a FOR system from JLMD


Improve safety pollution response plans remains a priority matter for ship owners facing financial risks and loss of reputation.
Quite a great amount of innovative technologies have been installed on new building ships to reduce the frequency of accidents.
Nowadays reduce the accidental oil pollution at sea appears as one important target to reduce the severity of the consequences of accidents.
In that respect facilitating the oil recovery from cargo and bunker tanks is definitely the way to reduce the risk.
The function Fast Oil Recovery System(FORS) is the JLMD efficient solution to make the ship salvage friendly and the best solution to mitigate the consequences of undesirable consequences for the ship owners.
Preparedness is the solution to mitigate accident consequences and it goes through improving ship availability to face any unforeseen situation.
Fast Oil Recovery System is emergency circuits allowing immediate and permanent access to the ship’s cargo and bunker tanks.
The FOR system is an advanced salvage and environmental friendly technology for shipping.

JLMD E.Group
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