Press Release JLMD : Clean up operations in Mediterranean sea

Press Release JLMD : Clean up operations in Mediterranean sea

Sunday 7th October a Tunisian RORO and a Cyprus container ship collided in Mediterranean area of Corsica Island creating a very important oil spill.

Once more but not least THE EXISTING CONTINGENCY METHODS on board of  ships DO NOT ALLOW to be proactive in case of collision to safely recover the oil inside the bunker and cargo tanks.
The pollutant trapped inside the tanks remains a thread for the environment and consequently for the owners/managers of the ship.
The remaining bunker and oil pollutant in the ship is a key issue for salvage teams, insurance companies account and definitely a great concern for owners with financial costs and loss of reputation.

JLMD E. GROUP has developed for more than 15 years a technical solution with and easy integration on any ship, recognized and approved by Class Soc. and on line with IMO guide lines and recommendations for Polar Code: The Fast Oil Recovery System (FOR system).

A lot of ships ,bulk carriers and containers ships built on major Shipyards in Korea and China for major ship owners are already getting  benefit of this approved technology and are safely protected with with a FOR system.

Find the press release here
