We promote the sector to public decision-makers.

As the industry's representative union, GICAN represents the sector in dealings with public authorities (ministries, central, regional and local administrations) and elected representatives (members of parliament, associations of elected representatives, etc.), at both national and European level. Our aim is to raise awareness of the issues facing our sector and influence decision-making, in order to commit our industry to sustainable development.
GICAN organizes numerous meetings and events, and drafts position papers for distribution on these occasions. We meet with groups of parliamentarians from all walks of life in Paris and Brussels, ministerial cabinets, central administrations and other bodies of interest to highlight the challenges facing our civil and military industries: productivity deficit, need for support for innovation and decarbonization, taxonomy issues, competitiveness, recruitment, importance of exports, etc.
#Institutional visits to industrial sites
Organization of institutional visits to members' premises for elected representatives and central government officials, to raise awareness of the industry's challenges.
#Press trips
Organization of press trips, for example before the EURONAVAL trade show.
#Visibility/promotion of members
Online directory Participate in organizing events with public authorities to ensure that our industry is part of their agenda.
website showcasing the shipbuilding and maritime sectors.
Social networks:
Twitter account, Linkedin Page"
#Publication of position papers
GICAN and SEA Europe publishe and distribute various position papers on issues that need to be highlighted.
#Creation of reference publications
GICAN produces a number of recurrent publications.
#Organization of two major trade fairs in France: EURONAVAL and EUROMARITIME
GICAN's events subsidiary, SOGENA, organizes these 2 trade shows, and federates Pavillons France. To find out more, follow the link!